In this miter saw station walkthrough, I’m going to show you how I created tons of storage and organization for my shop by combining upper and lower cabinets into one functional work area.
In How to Build Wall Cabinets I'll walk you through my method of building two different styles of standard wall cabinets. One using simple pocket hole construction and one using more traditional dado joinery. I then show you how...
In How to Build Cabinets I'll walk you through my method of building two different styles of standard base cabinets. One with a door and a drawer and the other with a bank of four drawers. I then show you how to combine them into one unit!
Your table saw is the center of your workshop and is often one of the biggest investments you'll be making when it comes to tools. So, you should want to get the absolute most out of it to make...
One of the most useful jigs you can have for the router table is the coping sled. It can make rail and stile door production efficient, accurate and safe.
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Getting a lathe means making a stand for it. I made this lathe stand stout, with lots of storage and room to grow as future upgrades happen. This stand is made from hard maple and maple plywood and weighs...
As your woodworking skills grow, so will your tool collection. The more tools you acquire the more places you need to store them safely and in some kind of system that makes sense for how you work. One way to do this is with a custom tool wall and that's what I'll show you if you keep reading below!
As my workshop continues to evolve and grow, I constantly experience the need for more storage. I believe everything in the shop needs a home, and I prefer that home to be out of sight! Because of that, cabinets...