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How To Build A Media Console

Want to learn to Build a media console that will outlast the TV on top of it? Check out this step-by-step walk through of how I made this maple media console with walnut top!

Plan Bundles – Save up to 65%

You can now purchase any of three different downloadable plan bundles at a savings of 65%! I currently have three different bundles: THE WHOLE ENCHILADA BUNDLEYou'll get every plan I currently offer Shop now THE SHOP JIG PLAN BUNDLEYou'll get my most...

Tips for Making a Cutting Board

Learn the answers to the most commonly asked questions about how make cutting boards. From my years of making and filming this process I have been asked these questions and am laying out all the tips and tricks I know.

Make A Lathe Stand | Woodworking Project

Getting a lathe means making a stand for it. I made this lathe stand stout, with lots of storage and room to grow as future upgrades happen. This stand is made from hard maple and maple plywood and weighs...

How to Make a Custom Tool Wall

As your woodworking skills grow, so will your tool collection. The more tools you acquire the more places you need to store them safely and in some kind of system that makes sense for how you work. One way to do this is with a custom tool wall and that's what I'll show you if you keep reading below!

How To Make A Tall Shop Cabinet

https://youtu.be/LxL0GjgHyHg As my workshop continues to evolve and grow, I constantly experience the need for more storage. I believe everything in the shop needs a home, and I prefer that home to be out of sight! Because of that, cabinets...
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